Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Variation Lab Graphs




Eye span

Foot span
1.  What were the trends that you noticed in each of the frequency graphs? 
=> I noticed that there were many people in one or two measurements on each graph. The eye span graph showed some extreme traits as well as the cubit graph. Most people were in the ten centimeter category for span and the foot span was random. There were extreme traits in the height graph with the average height being 160-165cm, though some people were in the 180-185cm range.
2.  How many people had "extreme" traits?
=> Approximately two to three people had extreme traits in each graph.
3.  What trait had the most variation?
=> The foot span trait had the most variation.
4.  How would having variation within a trait benefit the entire species?  How would having no variation be detrimental to the success of the species?
=> Variation would benefit a species in that the species could adapt to its environment and not die out.  If the species food suddenly starts growing higher the taller species will survive, therefore preventing extinction. No variation would mean that a species could not adapt. If its environment changed to be unsuitable, no organism of that species would survive.
5.  How could having extreme traits be beneficial?  Can you find an example in nature?
=> Extreme traits could be beneficial to a species because it would have some traits that would give it different advantages. For example, a smaller elephant may be able to run faster from prey. 
6.  How did you come to have the characteristics that you have?  (ie. why are you short?)
=> I got my characteristics from my momma and poppa. My dad is short and my mom is tall therefore I am average height for a girl. Both my parents have black hair and passed that gene on to me. 
7.  What is a gene?  What is DNA? Where did you get your DNA?
=> A gene is a hereditary trait passed on from parents to their offspring. It is in our bodies as a distinct sequence of nucleotides forming part of a chromosome. DNA is deoxyribonucleic acid and is the fundamental characteristics of someone or something. It determines a persons traits and characteristics. My DNA is passed from my parents to me and replicates itself continuously in my body. It contains my genes.

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